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準備好迎接爆炸般的快樂吧! 來認識一下神奇聖代吧,這款可愛又聰明的愛情蛋將親密感提升到了新的高度。
無與倫比的樂趣:無單獨與倫比的或與您的伴侶一起體驗驚心動魄的感覺。 魔法聖代提供柔和、強勁、自駕的快感,讓您感受起起落落和純粹的狂喜。
感官連接:連接到 Whats Sense 應用程序,探索與您喜愛的音樂同步的無盡振動模式。 感受您一直渴望的更深層次的聯繫。
視頻同步功能:將 Magic Sundae 同步到任何視頻或直播,讓自己沉浸在實時樂趣中。 這是一次令人興奮的親密冒險。
打開包裝盒:Magic Sundae、指南、用於快速充電的 USB-DC 數據線。 提升樂趣——立即體驗魅動聖代!
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感官聯繫:借助 Magic Sundae 和 Whats Sense 應用程序,您和您的伴侶可以探索前所未有的樂趣。將 Magic Sundae 與您最喜愛的音樂或任何視頻或直播同步,讓自己沉浸在幸福的世界中。感受它的節奏,因為它完全符合您的願望,創造更深層次的聯繫,讓你們雙方都渴望越來越多。
視頻同步功能:使用視頻同步功能將您的樂趣帶到一個全新的維度。將 Magic Sundae 同步到任何視頻或直播,讓自己沉浸在實時樂趣中,獲得無與倫比的體驗。當您沉浸在前所未有的同步感覺中時,感受這一刻的強度。
APP控制模式:將Magic Sundae連接到Magic Motion或Whats Sense APP,打開歡樂世界的大門。該應用程序提供多種風格以滿足您的喜好,讓您探索一系列振動模式、速度和節奏。無論您是沉迷於單人遊戲還是與另一座城市的伴侶分享遠距離的樂趣,此模式都提供無限的模式和感覺,帶來身臨其境的體驗。
視頻同步模式:通過視頻同步功能發現令人興奮的新維度的樂趣。下載 SyncMo APP,見證 Magic Sundae 與屏幕上視頻內容的移動同步振動。無論是流媒體視頻、視頻通話還是本地視頻,魔幻聖代都會實時響應,增強您的觀看樂趣。訪問此功能無需額外費用,確保無限制的純粹樂趣和興奮。
防水: IPX6 防水:無限制享受樂趣。 Magic Sundae 專為防濺水而設計,非常適合在淋浴或浴缸中享受樂趣。
充電類型: USB 充電器:保持通電並準備就緒。使用 USB 充電器為 Magic Sundae 充電既簡單又方便,確保您隨時享受不間斷的樂趣。
通過 Magic Sundae 的精彩模式和額外功能,體驗觸手可及的快樂世界。選擇適合您心情和願望的模式,踏上令人難忘的狂喜與激情之旅。釋放魔法聖代的魔力,重新定義前所未有的快樂!
1. 無與倫比的樂趣:
2. 感官聯繫:
與 Whats Sense 應用程序同步,與您的伴侶建立更深入的聯繫。
APP 控制模式:訪問無限的模式、速度和節奏,實現沉浸式遊戲。
視頻同步模式:使用 SyncMo 應用程序深入體驗同步感覺。
5. 防水:IPX6 防水:
使用不受限制; Magic Sundae 具有防濺功能,非常適合淋浴或浴缸。
6. 充電類型:USB 充電器:
通過快速、方便的 USB 充電,保持電量充足,隨時出發。
振動器: 10種內置模式+通過應用程序控制無限模式
遠程控制: Magic Motion 應用程序和 Whats Sense APP
與任何視頻或直播同步: SyncMo APP
充電類型: USB 充電器
電池壽命:充電 90 分鐘,不間斷使用 120 分鐘
防水性能: IPX6防水
尺寸: 1.2x2.4(7.5) 英寸/30x60(190) 毫米
重量:1.3 盎司/35 克
魔法聖代振動器 x1
USB-DC 數據線 x1
使用 Magic Motion 應用程序和 Whats Sense 應用程序探索新水平的控制和便利性,這兩個應用程序都可以在您的 iPhone、Android 設備或平板電腦上免費下載。
Magic Motion 應用程序:在此下載 - Magic Motion 應用程序
Whats Sense 應用程序:在此下載 - Whats Sense 應用程序
無論您身在何處,都可以輕鬆地遠程控制您的設備。我們的應用程序具有聊天控制、網頁控制、終結者、語音控制以及錄製與您的伴侶的會話的功能,所有這些都旨在增強您的樂趣並促進親密聯繫,即使在身體分離的情況下也是如此。使用 Magic Motion 應用程序和 Whats Sense 應用程序體驗觸手可及的終極樂趣。
通過 SyncMo 應用程序與任何視頻或直播流同步:
下載 SyncMo Magic Motion Edition 並進行 7 天免費試用https://www.magicmotion.sync-mo.com/magic-motion-download/
與 MacOS Monterey 12.3 及更高版本或 Windows 10 和 11 及更高版本兼容。

Smart Love Egg Vibrator - Magic Sundae
Magic Sundae is a smart love egg vibrator, an App-controlled vibrator that can remotely control your partner's sexual excitement. It is the perfect presentation of sex technology on Sex Toys, tailored for singles or long-distance couples. Love egg vibrators bring pleasure and stimulation to your intimate moments.

What's a Love Egg Vibrator?
The love egg vibrator is an App-controlled sex toy designed for intimate stimulation. It is shaped like an egg, small and easy to use, suitable for single or couple games. Love egg vibrators generally have multiple vibration modes, and users can freely adjust the intensity according to their desires to meet the needs of different people. App-controlled vibrators enable long-distance couples to remotely control stimulation and easily solve intimate moments.
How Does Love Egg Vibrators Work?
Love Egg vibrators are compact and the intensity and pattern of vibrations may vary depending on the model. Typically egg-shaped, which makes them discreet and easy to insert. Smartphone app control or manual control enables users or their partners to change vibration settings from a distance. Choose from a variety of vibration patterns and intensities to find the stimulation level that suits their preferences, adding surprise and intimacy to the experience. App Controlled Love Egg vibrator With its soft, sturdy and self-actuating forward-facing structure, it offers a variety of sensations to explore.
How to Use Magic Sundae Vibrator?
Please fully charge the Magic Sundae Vibrator before using it for the first time. This is a bluetooth Love Egg Vibrator, just connect it to the Whats Sense app for iOS and Android smartphones and tablets. Sync with any video or live stream via the SyncMo app.
The Magic Sundae vibrator is versatile and can be played alone or shared with a partner. If used with a partner, it can also be controlled remotely via the app to add excitement to your intimate moments. Explore a variety of vibration patterns and intensities. Customize your experience to your liking, including syncing vibrations to your favorite music and accessing unlimited vibration patterns.
After enjoying a pleasurable experience, it is critical to properly clean your Magic Sundae Shaker. Follow Magic Motion's cleaning recommendations, typically using mild soap and water or a designated toy cleaner. Ensure complete dryness before storing. Always put your comfort and safety first when using your Magic Sundae Vibrator.
Why Choose Magic Sundae Vibrator?
Magic Sundae ensures easy insertion and comfortable use with its compact and discreet design. With multiple built-in vibration modes and the ability to access unlimited modes through the Whats Sense app, Magic Sundae offers a variety of pleasurable experiences to suit different desires and preferences.
The Magic Sundae can be synced with live video using the SyncMo App, and its compatibility opens up a new world of sexual pleasure, allowing users to immerse themselves in the real-time pleasure of live streaming, a feature not often seen in ordinary vibrators.
Magic Sundae offers a unique combination of smart design, versatility and advanced features that make it stand out from its peers. Magic Sundae is made from safe materials and has a waterproof design. Whether you are looking for some solitary fun or enhanced intimacy, these best Love Egg Vibrators prioritize user safety and comfort, allowing users to experience the ultimate in sexual pleasure.
Tips for Using Magic Sundae Safely
1. Read the Instructions: Always start by reading the user manual or instructions that come with Magic Sundae. Understanding how to use it properly is crucial for your safety and satisfaction.
2. Clean Thoroughly: Clean your Magic Sundae both before and after use as per the manufacturer's recommendations. Proper hygiene is essential for a safe and enjoyable experience.
3. Use Water-Based Lubricants: If you plan to use lubricants, make sure they are water-based. Oil-based or silicone-based lubricants can damage the device.
4. Start Slowly: If you're new to using vibrators, begin with the lowest intensity settings and gradually increase the intensity as you become more comfortable.
5. Hygiene Matters: Prioritize personal hygiene before and after use to prevent infections. Also, ensure that your Magic Sundae is thoroughly cleaned and dried before storage.
6. Condom Usage: If sharing Magic Sundae with a partner or using it for different purposes, consider using a condom over the device for added safety and hygiene.
7. Storage: Store your Magic Sundae in a clean, dry place, away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Magic Sundae waterproof?
Yes, Magic Sundae typically has an IPX6 waterproof rating, making it easy to clean and suitable for use in water-based settings.
Is Magic Sundae compatible with iOS and Android smartphones?
Yes, Magic Sundae can be connected to both iOS and Android smartphones and tablets via the Whats Sense App for a customized and enhanced experience.
How do I sync Magic Sundae with videos?
Use the SyncMo App, available for free download, to sync the device with videos or live streams.
Is Magic Sundae safe for my body?
Yes, Magic Sundae is designed with your safety in mind. It is crafted from body-safe silicone and ABS materials, ensuring a comfortable and secure experience.
Is the Magic Sundae discreetly packaged when delivered?
Many retailers and online shops provide discreet packaging to protect your privacy during delivery. It's advisable to check with the seller for their specific packaging practices.
Shop Magic Sundae at Magic Motion
Users can enjoy a friendly and safe shopping experience when buying Magic Sundae at Magic Motion. High-quality SexTech toys, privacy services, payment security and after-sales protection ensure that your investment in sexual pleasure is worry-free.
Product Quality: Magic Motion sells high-quality Magic Sundae. Magic Motion is committed to producing comfortable and high-quality private pleasure products, always putting user satisfaction and safety first.
Privacy Service: Magic Motion attaches great importance to customer privacy. When we deliver Magic Sundae, we absolutely protect the privacy of customer personal information, and the careful packaging allows you not to worry about the embarrassment that may occur when receiving the goods.
Payment Security: Magic Motion's official website uses advanced encrypted payment technology, and strong payment security measures to ensure your shopping security. Protect your financial information during the checkout process to ensure a safe and worry-free transaction.
After-sales Guarantee: Magic Motion promises after-sales protection, which includes warranty and customer support. Magic Motion provides excellent customer support to assist you in solving any problems you may encounter after purchase.