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體驗迷人的親密感:帶視頻同步支持的時鐘鬧鐘內褲振動器 - Magic Nyx

設置鬧鐘,享受快樂,並與 Magic Nyx 同步您的幻想,這是終極內褲振動器,為您的親密帶來魅力。 它經過精心設計,可放入您的內衣內,提供無與倫比的親密叫醒服務,並伴有輕柔的振動,讓您著迷。

親密的鬧鐘體驗:使用 Magic Motion 應用程序設置鬧鐘時間,並通過輕柔的振動喚醒,通過迷人的叫醒服務改變您的早晨生活。

低調且多功能:Magic Nyx 專為穿在內衣內而設計,隨時隨地提供低調的樂趣。 專門設計的尖端可確保精確的陰蒂刺激,同時振動保持穩定。

視頻同步支持:通過視頻同步支持體驗獨特的樂趣。 將 Magic Nyx 連接到您喜愛的視頻或直播,以獲得身臨其境的同步體驗,將您的親密感提升到一個全新的水平。

與 Magic Nyx 一起探索快樂的魔力,擁抱前所未有的親密世界 - 立即訂購,讓魔法開始。

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Magic Nyx 憑藉廣泛的應用程序設置超出了您的預期,讓您可以定制從溫和到強大振動的愉悅之旅。其用戶友好的設計讓您掌控一切,使其成為一款多功能的多任務處理工具,可滿足強烈的高潮或舒緩經痛的需要 - 一切都根據您的願望而定。


Magic Nyx 專為您的愉悅和舒適而精心設計,採用可更換的矽膠套設計,確保柔軟光滑的觸感。 Magic Nyx 擁有七個內置強大振動電機、一個可充電電池和一個控制芯片,可提供終極愉悅體驗,同時達到讓您著迷的強烈高潮。


借助 Magic Motion 應用程序,您可以輕鬆地從任何距離控制 Magic Nyx,無論你們在一起還是相距數英里。擁抱聊天控制、網頁控制和語音控制的魅力 - 讓您能夠以前所未有的方式與您的伴侶聯繫並探索樂趣。

使用 Magic Nyx 發現快樂的魔力並在親密時刻點燃激情 - 立即訂購,讓魔法開始。





*通過 Magic Motion 應用程序輕鬆控制。

*兼容 iPhone、Android 和平板電腦,方便使用。



* 磁性 USB 充電,充電方便。







*電池壽命:兩者:80 分鐘充電時間,可連續使用 80 分鐘


*遠程控制:Magic Motion App 和 Whats Sense APP


*通過SyncMo APP與任何視頻或直播流同步

*尺寸:3.5 x1.6 x0.5 英寸

*重量:1 盎司

*振動器:7 種手動速度和無限的應用程序模式


  • 魔法尼克斯 x1
  • 用戶指南x1
  • 磁性 USB 線 x 1
  • 儲物袋x1


為了增強樂趣和親密聯繫,請體驗 Magic Motion 應用程序和 Whats Sense 應用程序!

使用 Magic Motion 應用程序和 Whats Sense 應用程序探索新水平的控制和便利性,這兩個應用程序都可以在您的 iPhone、Android 設備或平板電腦上免費下載。

Magic Motion 應用程序:在此下載 - Magic Motion 應用程序

Whats Sense 應用程序:在此下載 - Whats Sense 應用程序

無論您身在何處,都可以輕鬆地遠程控制您的設備。我們的應用程序具有聊天控制、遊戲控制、語音控制等功能,所有這些都旨在增強您的樂趣並促進親密聯繫,即使在身體分離的情況下也是如此。使用 Magic Motion 應用程序和 Whats Sense 應用程序體驗觸手可及的終極樂趣。

通過 SyncMo 應用程序與任何視頻或直播流同步:

下載 SyncMo Magic Motion Edition 並進行 7 天免費試用https://www.magicmotion.sync-mo.com/magic-motion-download/

與 MacOS Monterey 12.3 及更高版本或 Windows 10 和 11 及更高版本兼容。

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Alarm Clock Panty Vibrator - Magic Nyx

Magic Nyx is an innovative Alarm Clock Panty Vibrator. This is a small and convenient Panty Vibrator, not only suitable for special occasions, but also suitable for use anytime and anywhere, adding a touch of fun to your daily life. Magic Nyx will gently vibrate to wake you up. Wake you up or keep you excited. The vibration will automatically boost until you wake up and turn it off, making your mornings more enjoyable than ever.

Wearable Panty Vibrator for Women

The Magic Nyx is designed for women and offers low profile comfort. Its specially designed tip allows for easy positioning of your clitoral sweet spot, while ensuring that the vibration remains firmly in place. This app controlled panty vibrator gives you full control over the intensity and customizes your experience. The Magic Nyx can deliver an intense orgasm or a gentle massage, making it a versatile and satisfying sex toy.

How does a Panty Vibrator work?

The Panty Vibrator is a compact wearable adult device designed for discreet pleasure. It fits comfortably under your panties and is designed to stimulate your clitoral area. The Toys use vibrations to create sensations ranging from mild to intense, depending on your preference. With the Magic Motion app, you can easily control the intensity and pattern of the vibration.

The Magic Nyx comes with the Magic Motion app, which allows you to set an alarm time. Magic Nyx provides a more emotional wake-up call instead of the typical harsh alarm. When your selected alarm time approaches, This Best Panty Vibrator gently vibrates to wake you up or keep you excited. The vibration builds up until you're fully awake and ready to turn it off, ensuring you start your day off right.

How to use Magic Nyx Vibrator

Using the Magic Nyx vibrator is easy and convenient. After receiving the Magic Nyx, charge it and download the Magic Motion APP on your phone, which allows you to remotely control the vibrator and access various functions. This is a bluetooth panty vibrator, please follow the instructions for pairing, users can customize the vibration mode and intensity according to their preferences.

Carefully insert Magic Nyx into your panties, making sure the specially designed tip is snug against your clitoral area. Activate the vibrator via the app and let the Magic Nyx work its magic. You can also download the SyncMo app to experience synchronized videos and enjoy immersive sexual pleasure. You can use it for personal entertainment or even set it as an alarm clock to gently wake you up with pleasant vibrations.

Why choose Magic Nyx

Magic Nyx offers a unique and enjoyable way to enhance your sex life. Magic Nyx has a discreet yet comfortable design, with a specialized tip designed for easy, precise placement on your clitoral area while keeping vibrations in place, improving your comfort during use.

One of the standout features of the Magic Nyx is its ability to act as an alarm clock. This sets it apart from many other wearable vibrators, making your mornings more enjoyable with a gentle yet exciting wake-up call. This dual-purpose design adds a practical dimension to your fun.

The Magic Nyx offers multiple customizable intensity settings, 10 manual speeds + app-controlled infinite mode, for intense orgasms or gentle pain relief, making it a versatile and satisfying toy. Remote Control Panty Vibrator enhances your intimacy with your partner.

Magic Nyx stands out among its peers for its versatile alarm function, customizable intensity, extensive app control, versatility, discreet design, water resistance and innovative video syncing app. These strengths combine to create a truly unique and satisfying intimate experience for the user.

Tips for Using Magic Nyx Safely

While the Magic Nyx is designed with your safety and comfort in mind, it's essential to follow some guidelines to ensure a secure and enjoyable experience:

1. Hygiene: Before and after each use, clean your Magic Nyx thoroughly with a mild, non-abrasive soap and warm water. Ensure it is completely dry before storage.

2. Lubrication: For added comfort during use, consider using a water-based lubricant. Avoid using silicone-based lubricants, as they may damage the silicone material of the device.

3. Start Slow: If you're new to using vibrators or the Magic Nyx, start with lower intensity settings and gradually increase the intensity as desired. Listen to your body and adjust accordingly.

4. Charging: Keep your Magic Nyx charged for uninterrupted pleasure. It takes approximately one hour to fully charge and provides up to one hour of continuous use.

5. Storage: Store your Magic Nyx in a clean, dry place, away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. You can use the provided storage bag for added protection.

6. Remote Control: When using the Magic Motion app for remote control, ensure your smartphone or tablet is within a reasonable range for a stable connection. The app allows you to adjust settings, but always stay within your comfort zone.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Magic Nyx waterproof?

Yes, the Magic Nyx boasts an IPX6 waterproof rating, making it safe for use in the shower or bath. However, it's essential to ensure the charging port is completely dry before charging.

Can I use Magic Nyx for extended periods?

Yes, the Magic Nyx is designed for prolonged use without discomfort. However, it's advisable to take short breaks if using it for an extended period.

Can I use Magic Nyx with a partner?

Absolutely. You can control the Magic Nyx remotely via the Magic Motion app, making it suitable for partner play. You can also record intimate moments for added excitement.

How do I clean Magic Nyx?

Clean your Magic Nyx before and after each use with mild soap and warm water. Ensure it is thoroughly dry before storage. Avoid submerging it in water or using harsh cleaning agents.

Shop Magic Nyx at Magic Motion

Authenticity guaranteed

Magic Motion is the official manufacturer and distributor of Magic Nyx vibrators. When you buy directly from their website, you can trust that you are getting an authentic, high-quality product. Authenticity is critical for intimate products to ensure security, performance and reliability.

Privacy and discreet packaging

Magic Motion understands the importance of privacy when purchasing intimate products. They prioritize your judgment when you purchase Magic Nyx on their website. Your order will be shipped in plain, unbranded packaging, ensuring that no one will be able to discern the contents. Your privacy is respected throughout the shopping process.

Excellent customer service

Magic Motion is committed to providing excellent customer service. Whether you have questions about a product, need help with your order, or need post-purchase support, their customer service team is here to help. They are dedicated to ensuring your satisfaction and addressing any concerns you may have.

Warranty and support

When you purchase a Magic Nyx from Magic Motion, you benefit from their warranty and support. In case you encounter any problems with your product, they will help you solve the problem immediately. This extra peace of mind ensures your investment is protected.