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魅 動




定價 $99.00 USD
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使用我們引人入勝的 Magic Flamingo 振動器沉浸在歡樂的世界中,該振動器榮獲著名的紅點獎!這款令人愉悅的性玩具開啟了一個全新的興奮境界,無論您是在家裡還是在城裡過夜,都為您的愛情生活增添了驚心動魄的感覺。其緊湊的尺寸、強大的振動和創新的應用程序控制使 Magic Flamingo 成為尋求遠距離探索激情的情侶的終極選擇。


革命性的應用程序控制和視頻同步:使用 Magic Motion 應用程序以前所未有的方式控制您的樂趣。無論您身處同一房間還是遠隔大洲,這款無縫應用程序都允許您通過文本、WhatsApp 進行遠程連接,甚至與視頻和直播同步,以獲得令人難以置信的身臨其境的體驗。

多功能且輕便: Magic Flamingo 的設計充分考慮了您的便利性,重量僅為 1.8 盎司,是旅行和自發探險的理想伴侶。其符合人體工程學的設計,採用對人體安全的矽膠包裹,確保每次使用時都舒適而愉悅。

無與倫比的感覺:準備好被魅動火烈鳥提供的神奇感覺所震撼。其令人驚嘆的 G 點刺激和陰蒂快感,以及七種手動速度,使您能夠將親密接觸提升到狂喜的新高度。



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    為什麼火烈鳥是終極 LDR 性玩具:釋放激情聯繫! 💞

    Flamingo 不僅僅是 LDR 夫婦的“首選”產品;它也是 LDR 夫婦的“首選”產品。這是在任何距離點燃親密之火的關鍵。這款屢獲殊榮的振動器採用高品質的設計和材料,非常值得投資,提供專為遠距離關係量身定制的附加功能。同步功能為您提供全方位的振動選項,確保您和您的伴侶獲得最終的滿意!

    但這還不是全部 - 魔法火烈鳥將樂趣提升到了一個新的水平。當它愛撫您的陰蒂和 G 點時,感受強烈的刺激,在您插入時產生電擊般的感覺。擁抱自由地獨自探索您的慾望,因為其強大的七種手動速度挑逗您的身體,讓您每晚都充滿期待地喘不過氣來。

    魔法還不止於此!進入 Magic Motion 應用程序的迷人世界,該應用程序可無縫下載到您的 iOS、Android 智能手機和平板電腦上,完全免費。

    不要錯過下載並享受 SyncMo 應用程序 7 天試用版的機會 - 通過視頻同步功能將您的樂趣帶到一個全新的維度。將 Magic Sundae 同步到任何視頻或直播,讓自己沉浸在實時樂趣中,獲得無與倫比的體驗。借助這種獨特的功能,您可以前所未有地沉浸在同步感覺中,感受這一刻的強度,該功能可以檢測人體運動中的性運動,並實時操作您的設備,使其與動作完美協調。


    釋放魔法火烈鳥的力量 - 立即訂購,感受愛、慾望和快樂的魔力在一次非凡的體驗中的結合!💕💕💕


    單電機雙重刺激:體驗同時刺激陰蒂和 G 點的快感。

    Magic Motion 應用程序控制:通過遠程控制功能,在世界任何地方掌控您的樂趣。


    SyncMo APP 的視頻同步功能:通過視頻同步功能讓自己沉浸在實時樂趣中。


    電池壽命長:充電 60 分鐘即可享受 120 分鐘的連續樂趣。

    USB 可充電:使用隨附的直流電纜方便地充電。

    人體工學設計和液態矽膠: Flamingo 的人體工學設計和液態矽膠覆蓋物讓您體驗舒適和愉悅。



    振動器模式: 7 種手動速度 + 通過應用程序控制的無限模式


    遠程控制: Magic Motion 應用程序和 Whats Sense 應用程序


    與任何視頻或直播同步: SyncMo 應用程序

    充電類型: USB 可充電,帶直流電纜

    電池壽命:充電 60 分鐘,連續使用 120 分鐘

    使用材料:對人體安全的矽膠和 ABS

    防水性能: IPX6防水

    尺寸: 1.2x2.8(8.3) 英寸

    重量: 1.6 盎司


    1 個 MagicMotion 火烈鳥振動器

    1 份易於閱讀的手冊指南

    1 根 USB-DC 電纜

    1 個儲物盒


    使用 Magic Motion 應用程序和 Whats Sense 應用程序探索新水平的控制和便利性,這兩個應用程序都可以在您的 iPhone、Android 設備或平板電腦上免費下載。

    Magic Motion 應用程序:在此下載 - Magic Motion 應用程序

    Whats Sense 應用程序:在此下載 - Whats Sense 應用程序

    無論您身在何處,都可以輕鬆地遠程控制您的設備。我們的應用程序具有聊天控制、遊戲控制、語音控制等功能,所有這些都旨在增強您的樂趣並促進親密聯繫,即使在身體分離的情況下也是如此。使用 Magic Motion 應用程序和 Whats Sense 應用程序體驗觸手可及的終極樂趣。

    通過 SyncMo 應用程序與任何視頻或直播流同步:

    下載 SyncMo Magic Motion Edition 並進行 7 天免費試用https://www.magicmotion.sync-mo.com/magic-motion-download/

    與 MacOS Monterey 12.3 及更高版本或 Windows 10 和 11 及更高版本兼容。


    App Controlled Vibrator - Magic Flamingo

    As technology continuously advances, the world of intimate experiences has been capturing the attention of long-distance couples with the Red Dot Award-winning Magic Flamingo Vibrator. This wearable vibrator is designed to amplify pleasure, intimacy, and connection, reshaping the possibilities of long-distance relationships (LDR). Let's delve into the the Magic Flamingo Sex Toys and explore how it's revolutionizing intimate connections.

    What is an App-Controlled Vibrator?

    An app-controlled vibrator is a high-tech adult toy that can be remotely controlled through a smartphone application. This innovative approach to intimacy caters to couples, whether they're in the same space or separated by distance, making late-night foreplay and synchronized sensual pleasure possible. The Magic Motion Flamingo Vibrator is a luxury smart app-controlled vibrator designed specifically for couples who seek excitement in public or those who embrace intimacy while on the go.

    How Does the Magic Flamingo Vibrator Work?

    The Magic Flamingo is a G-spot stimulating vibrator meticulously crafted to cater to the needs of long-distance couples. Despite its compact size, it boasts seven manual speeds and unlimited patterns, all controlled through the Magic Motion App. This app goes beyond basic control, offering features such as long-distance connectivity through third-party apps like Magic Motion and WhatsApp, as well as voice synchronization and vibration synchronization with your favorite music.

    How to Use the Magic Flamingo?

    Using the Magic Flamingo is effortless. First, download the free Magic Motion App on your iOS or Android device. Connect the Flamingo vibrator to the app via Bluetooth. Once connected, you can explore various manual speeds and patterns, or experiment with advanced features like voice sync and vibration music sync. Whether indulging in solo pleasure or exploring with a partner, the app offers a range of customizable sensations.

    Why Choose the Vibrador Flamingo?

    The Magic Flamingo transcends being a mere vibrator; it acts as a conduit between physical distance and intimate connection. Whether you're seeking LDR excitement or personal pleasure, the Magic Flamingo offers a unique and customizable experience. Its ergonomic design, user-friendly app, and premium materials make it a worthy investment in your journey to pleasure. Its compatibility with the SyncMo App further enriches the experience by offering synchronization with video content for an immersive encounter.

    Tips for Using the Magic Flamingo Safely

    To ensure a secure and pleasurable experience with the Magic Flamingo, consider these tips:

    1. Clean the device before and after each use to maintain hygiene.

    2. Follow the manufacturer's charging recommendations to prevent interruptions.

    3. Use water-based lubricants for added comfort and sensation. Magic Flamingo cannot be used with silicone-based lubricants.

    4. Pay attention to your body's signals and adjust settings for a pleasurable experience.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Can I use the Magic Flamingo without the app?

    Yes, the device can be manually controlled, but using the app enhances advanced features.

    Is the Magic Flamingo waterproof?

    Yes, it features IPX6 waterproofing, suitable for aquatic adventures.

    Why is the Magic Flamingo suitable for LDR couples?

    Its long-distance connectivity, voice sync, and music vibration sync cater to intimate interactions from afar.

    How do I clean the Magic Flamingo?

    Clean with warm soapy water and Sex Toys cleaner.

    Buy Magic Flamingo from Magic Motion with Fast Delivery

    Crafted from premium body-safe silicone and ABS materials, the Magic Motion Flamingo guarantees safety. Its popularity stems from its high-quality design. Magic Motion offers high-quality products at affordable prices. The Magic Flamingo's compatibility with the Magic Motion App and SyncMo App, along with its innovative and technological advancements in Sex Toys, enhances user experiences, bridging the gap for long-distance couples and deepening connections.

    When users purchase the Magic Flamingo from us.magicmotion.shop, they gain the ability to enjoy Easy Remote Control Anywhere You Like. Magic Motion ensures that all Sex Toys sold in our store are genuine and safe, offering 100% safety and privacy. With quick delivery and 24/7 support, we stand as a reliable and verified seller.