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享受終極肛門樂趣:Equinox 肛塞!




使用 Equinox Butt Plug 體驗令人驚嘆的滿足感,提供應用程序控制的樂趣、視頻同步功能和靈活的設計,帶來免提的樂趣。通過 Equinox 將您的親密體驗提升到新的高度!

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支持應用程序的免提控制:使用免費的 Whats Sense 應用程序掌控您的樂趣,允許您自定義振動,沉迷於無限的控制模式,例如手繪控制、語音控制和聊天控制,並與您最喜歡的音樂,帶來身臨其境的體驗。

親密冒險的視頻同步:通過 SyncMo 應用程序兼容性提升您的樂趣,在視頻和直播期間將 Equinox 的動作與屏幕上的動作同步,以前所未有的方式將您的幻想變為現實。

帶吸盤的靈活設計: Equinox 的可彎曲設計和免提吸盤提供了刺激樂趣的完美角度,讓您探索新的愉悅境界,解放雙手進行無拘無束的探索。

人體安全矽膠: Equinox 肛塞採用優質人體安全矽膠精心製成,確保天鵝絨般光滑的質感,讓您的肌膚倍感愉悅。這種高品質材料無毒、低過敏性、無味,可安全長期使用,並且適合敏感皮膚。

易於使用的控件:通過 Equinox 的用戶友好控件發現輕鬆的樂趣。直觀的界面讓您可以無縫地瀏覽七種令人驚嘆的振動模式,讓您可以根據自己的願望定制您的體驗。

靜音電機: Equinox 配備強大而靜音的電機,確保您的親密時刻保持謹慎和私密。享受您的感官冒險,無需擔心任何不必要的干擾。

適合旅行: Equinox Butt Plug 憑藉其緊湊的尺寸和謹慎的設計,是旅途中享受樂趣的理想旅行伴侶。將其放入您的包或行李箱中,隨身攜帶,無論您的旅程通向何處,都能體驗狂喜。

USB 可充電:告別電池。 Equinox 採用 USB 充電電池設計,為您的私密享受提供持久電力。只需將其插入,它就會一次又一次地讓您興奮不已。

IPX6 防水:憑藉 Equinox 的 IPX6 防水等級,擁抱潮濕和狂野的樂趣。無論您是享受輕鬆的沐浴還是蒸汽淋浴,這款肛門振動器都可以陪伴您進行水上冒險。

易於清潔:清潔 Equinox 輕而易舉。只需用溫水和溫和的肥皂清洗或使用玩具清潔劑即可使其每次使用時保持原始和衛生。維護您的 Equinox 對接插頭從未如此簡單。



親密冒險的視頻同步:通過 SyncMo 應用程序兼容性提升樂趣,在視頻和直播期間與屏幕上的動作同步。





適合旅行且可通過 USB 充電:緊湊的設計帶來移動樂趣,無需電池即可持久供電。

IPX6 防水且易於清潔:非常適合潮濕和野外探險且維護簡單。


刺激器類型: APP 控制的帶吸盤的 ButtPlug


振動器: 10 種手動速度 + 通過應用程序控制無限模式

遠程控制: Magic Motion 應用程序和 Whats Sense APP


與任何視頻或直播同步: SyncMo APP

充電類型: USB 端口可充電/磁性 USB 充電

電池壽命:充電 120 分鐘,不間斷使用 60 分鐘

使用材料:對人體安全的矽膠和 ABS

防水性能: IPX6防水

尺寸: 1.4(2.6)x3.5(4.3)英寸/35(67)x88(108)毫米

重量: 3.1盎司/88克


1 個 Equinox 帶吸盤對接塞

1 份易於閱讀的手冊指南

1 根磁性 USB 電纜

1 個儲物盒


為了增強樂趣和親密聯繫,請體驗 Magic Motion 應用程序和 Whats Sense 應用程序!

使用 Magic Motion 應用程序和 Whats Sense 應用程序探索新水平的控制和便利性,這兩個應用程序都可以在您的 iPhone、Android 設備或平板電腦上免費下載。

Magic Motion 應用程序:在此下載 - Magic Motion 應用程序

Whats Sense 應用程序:在此下載 - Whats Sense 應用程序

無論您身在何處,都可以輕鬆地遠程控制您的設備。我們的應用程序具有聊天控制、遊戲控制、語音控制等功能,所有這些都旨在增強您的樂趣並促進親密聯繫,即使在身體分離的情況下也是如此。使用 Magic Motion 應用程序和 Whats Sense 應用程序體驗觸手可及的終極樂趣。

通過 SyncMo 應用程序與任何視頻或直播流同步:

下載 SyncMo Magic Motion Edition 並進行 7 天免費試用https://www.magicmotion.sync-mo.com/magic-motion-download/

與 MacOS Monterey 12.3 及更高版本或 Windows 10 和 11 及更高版本兼容。


Butt Plug with Suction Cup - Magic Equinox

Magic Equinox Butt Plug is an app-controlled anal vibrator designed for beginners and experienced users alike. These flexible and soft Sex Toys are made from body-safe silicone to ensure comfort and safety during every intimate encounter. The Magic Equinox has an ergonomically sculpted design that targets all the right areas to provide a refined feel for your sexual pleasure. Plus, with its reliable suction cup base, you can enjoy hands-free play, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the moment.

What is a butt plug with suction cup?

The butt plug with suction cup base is a versatile anal toy, this butt plug for men is designed for solo play and partner play. The suction cup mount securely adheres to flat surfaces like walls or floors for hands-free exploration. This is an excellent choice for those looking for thrills and freedom while enjoying the stimulation that anal plugs provide.

How does a butt plug work?

Insert a butt plug into the anus to enhance sexual pleasure. It stimulates the anal nerves, which can enhance orgasm. The Equinox Butt Plug, in particular, offers a range of vibration patterns and intensities that can be controlled via a smartphone app, providing an experience tailored to your needs.

How to use Magic Equinox

Using Magic Equinox is a breeze. Before use, make sure your Equinox is clean and fully charged using the provided USB cable. Download the Magic Motion app or Whats Sense app on your phone. Sync the Equinox Butt Plug with your Toys via Bluetooth.

Once connected, you can explore a variety of features, including different vibration patterns, music sync, hand-drawn controls, and even interaction options like calls, pictures, and text. Download the SyncMo app, compatibility boosts your fun, and syncs the Equinox's motion with the on-screen action during video and live broadcasts to live out your fantasies like never before.

Attach the suction cup base to a smooth, flat surface for a hands-free experience, or hold it in your hand for more control. Customize your experience by trying various settings and finding the one that gives you the most fun.

Why Choose Magic Equinox?

The Magic Equinox is made from body-safe silicone and ABS to ensure a comfortable and safe experience. Its IPX6 waterproof rating makes it suitable for water adventures in the shower or bath. Magic Equinox offers a wide variety of settings, with 7 manual speeds and unlimited mode available via the app, meaning you can customize the experience to your preference, adjusting as needed.

Through the Magic Motion App or Whats Sense App, you can control the Equinox Butt Plug from the remote, enjoy the interaction with your partner, music synchronization and other functions. This makes long-distance intimacy more exciting and fun. This means that whether you are a beginner or an experienced user, you can find a way to experience it that suits you.

Magic Equinox is a feature-rich, well-designed, safe and comfortable app-controlled anal vibrator suitable for a variety of users. Whether you're exploring new territory or adding excitement to your existing sex life, the Equinox Butt Plug is an option worth considering.

Tips for Safely Using Magic Equinox

Magic Equinox is a safe anal vibrator, but to ensure your sexual pleasure experience is more comfortable and secure, here are some usage recommendations:

1. Hygiene: Thoroughly clean Magic Equinox with warm water and mild soap or a specialized adult toy cleaner before and after each use. Ensure it's completely dry before storing it.

2. Lubrication: To reduce discomfort, use water-based lubricant. Avoid using silicone-based lubricants as they may damage the silicone material.

3. Gentle Insertion: When inserting Magic Equinox, make sure to do so gently and gradually. For beginners, start with smaller sections and gradually adapt. Never force insertion to ensure comfort and safety.

4. Avoid Anal-Vaginal Cross-Contamination: If you plan to switch between anal and vaginal use, ensure thorough cleaning of Magic Equinox before each switch to minimize the risk of infections.

5. Regular Charging: Ensure Magic Equinox is charged before use to prevent running out of battery at the least convenient moment.

6. Avoid Stimulants: Avoid using anesthetics or alcohol while using Magic Equinox. These substances may affect your judgment and sensation, increasing safety risks.

Frequently Asked Questions

 Is Magic Equinox waterproof?

Yes, Magic Equinox has an IPX6 waterproof rating and can be used in water, such as in the shower or bath.

Can I use Magic Equinox in public places?

Magic Equinox is designed to be discreet and quiet, but please use it in a private setting to ensure your privacy and the comfort of others.

How do I clean Magic Equinox?

Gently clean it with warm water and mild soap or an adult toy cleaner, then rinse with clean water and thoroughly dry.

Can I use Magic Equinox vaginally as well?

While Magic Equinox is an anal vibrator, if you plan to switch between anal and vaginal use, ensure thorough cleaning before each switch to minimize the risk of infections.

Shop Magic Equinox at MagicMotion

Exclusive Offers: Occasionally, MagicMotion may offer exclusive promotions, discounts, or bundles that you won't find elsewhere. Shopping directly from their website allows you to take advantage of these special offers and get the best value for your purchase.

Guaranteed Authenticity: MagicMotion is the official and authorized retailer of Magic Equinox. When you purchase from MagicMotion, you can be confident that you are receiving a genuine product, complete with all the promised features and benefits.

Privacy Protection: MagicMotion understands the importance of privacy when shopping for intimate products. They prioritize your confidentiality by using discreet packaging and secure payment methods. Your purchase will be delivered in a plain, unmarked package, so you can shop with peace of mind.

Excellent Customer Service: MagicMotion is committed to providing exceptional customer service. If you have any questions, concerns, or issues with your purchase, their dedicated customer support team is available to assist you promptly and professionally.

Warranty and Support: When you buy from MagicMotion, you benefit from their warranty and support services. If you encounter any product-related problems, you can rely on their assistance to address your concerns effectively.

When you choose to purchase Magic Equinox at us.magicmotion.shop, you not only ensure product authenticity but also enjoy a secure and discreet shopping experience with top-notch customer support. It's the ideal way to make your purchase with confidence and enjoy your new pleasure device to the fullest.